Bodybuilding-Back-Workout | featuring Ells..

Bodybuilding Back Workout :

Here we are hitting a high volume Bodybuilding back Workout.  We incorporated super sets, giant sets and drop sets to failure. Targeting the back from multiple angles and with intensity and focus is key. Stretching at the top of movements and squeezing at the bottom will maximize your potential to make quality gains. “Super Sets”, are two combined exercises with no rest in between. They are designed to hit more than one angle or muscle, in succession to exhaustion. “Giant Sets” incorporate three consecutive exercises. These techniques help to shock the body as an alternative to one single movement and rest period. It is helpful at times to stimulate new growth or to simply challenge the body out of it’s comfort zone. Remember, “comfort Zones”, are dead zones. In the discomfort, growth occurs. I encourage you to challenge yourselves. I promise that you will eventually break through to another level in doing so.

In this particular workout, we started of with standard pull ups. Pull ups are a great way to warm up the muscle for the coming barrage. In and of themselves, pull ups, are not to be underestimated as a primary exercise. In my opinion, they are the best of the body weight exercises simply because of the effort involved to move your entire body weight without support.

Following our pull up warm up, we started our first super set. Lat pull downs with a cable machine followed immediately by another cable pull down movement targeting a behind the head approach. We did five sets of this before changing the handle and grip for three more sets. Changing the grip, changes the angle of attack.

Next, we did 5 sets of cable pull overs. These target the lats and serratus muscles, which are visible from the front, between the lats and lower/side chest. It is important to maintain good form and heavy weight is not necessary. If you go to heavy with the cable weight, you will likely sacrifice good form.

“A giant set” was next on the agenda. T-bar rows, dumbbell pull overs and upright rows. We worked out way up to a heavy weight on the T-bars. It is very important to keep your back straight when doing these to avoid injury. If your form suffers, i recommend dropping the weight. Remember; it’s not an ego competition and you want to lift smart. Know your limits” The dumbbell pull over is relative to the cable pull over. However, we are able to use a heavier weight due to the fact that our upper back is supported. Be sure and watch the Youtube video to follow all of the above mentioned workout. In this case, we used the upright row to target the traps and a little bit of the shoulders. We did not increase the weight on the pull overs or upright rows. We were already plenty exhausted from the heavy lifts and it was not necessary to go up in weight.
Finally, we finished the back workout with another super set of standing cable rows. One high and one low to burn out the back. We did these to failure. I encourage you to try this Bodybuilding back workout and leave some feedback. You can follow on youtube, as well as the other social media sites linked below to keep up with our goings on. I encourage a dialogue so don’t hesitate to leave a comment or question. Have a great work out. Drive It!